Publication date 03/05/2023 | 269 views
The staff of the A.A.C.B specifically women joined the others to celebrate International Women's Day this Wednesday on 8th March 2023 at the Urunani Stadium located in Buganda Commune, Cibitoke Province under the theme "A committed leadership for innovative digitalization in favor of gender equality."

The staff of the A.A.C.B specifically women joined the others to celebrate International Women's Day this Wednesday on 8th March 2023 at the Urunani Stadium located in Buganda Commune, Cibitoke Province under the theme "A committed leadership for innovative digitalization  in favor of gender equality." That activity was honored by the presence of the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, Prosper Bazombanza, the Prime Minister, and other high personalities.  The Vice-President advised consumers of social platforms to utilize them responsibly to assist them in their sustainable development. That activity was honored by the presence of the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi, Prosper Bazombanza, the Prime Minister, and other high personalities.  The Vice-President advised consumers of social platforms to utilize them responsibly to assist them in their sustainable development.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-08 at 20.06.47.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-08 at 20.06.56 (1).

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